Implementing Effective Border Security Without Physical Barriers
An intelligent portable border control system combined with a fixed border protection post provides a flexible and dynamic approach to border security. A virtual fence
Previous Articles
Delivery of BEESENSE Firefly 500 with a Tactical Kit
BEE1 – Tactical Kit
Celebrating Success and Looking Ahead!
From Watchtowers to AI-Driven EO/IR: The Evolution of Surveillance
Enhancing Maritime Border Security: Challenges and Technological Solutions
Coastline borders pose significant security challenges for border communities around the world. The vast and diverse terrain, spanning from mountains and cliffs to beaches and
Early detection of potential threats is paramount
The BEE5 significantly increase surveillance capabilities for defence and homeland security forces worldwide, particularly when rapidly detecting and identifying potential threats from increased distances.
Minimising the Human-in-the-Loop
The Crucial Equation of High Probability of Detection (PD) – Low False Alarm Ratio (FAR) in Surveillance Sensor Data. In the defence sector, where
Focusing on precision and accuracy
Beesense’s Protection Circle concept presents: The third and fourth circles, enhancing target identification and characterisation, contributing to the overall strength and effectiveness of the defence
A comprehensive defence against infiltrations and enhanced situational awareness
Introducing: the second layer of the Beesense concept, known as the tactical circle, incorporating the Mantis system and a range of customisable features to create
How can an area be protected and completely secured against threats?
The FIREFLY presents an innovative solution to perimeter security. Its integration of multiple sensors, AI-based analysis, and continuous monitoring make it a highly efficient and
Why is protecting Onshore oil and gas infrastructure so crucial?
Facilities and pipelines that are not protected may be susceptible to all kinds of security threats. The future of the energy industry depends heavily on
Enhancing AFV protection: how sensors make 360-degree situational awareness possible
Modern warfare’s asymmetrical and urban nature is changing the threat landscape in which armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs) must operate. AFVs are constantly being retrofitted with